Monday, April 9, 2012


With spring sprung and green life blooming, local fruits and veggies soon to market and birds chirping,
so too is it time for Birdbath Green Bakery to grow. I'm excited to announce that this Wednesday, we'll open
our sixth Birdbath - and first ever in the northern territories otherwise known as north of 23rd Street - inside of
Greenacre Park on East 51st Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.

This is a most Birdbathian location. It's one of the smallest, sweetest parks in New York, often referred to as a "pocket park" [by people who deal in slang for parks]. Central Park is 843 acres. Greenacre Park is less than one.   Take precisely five steps off the 51st Street sidewalk and you enter a landscape of flowers, trees, birds whizzing near your head and rushing water. The water is courtesy of the 25-foot waterfall which anchors the north of the park. Inside Greenacre Park, you'll hear water, and not much else.

Starting Wednesday, besides listening to water, you can enjoy a Birdbath menu from early morning until dinner. Our range of breakfast pastries starts the day, and for lunch there will be Gazpacho & Springtime Falafel Sandwich & Grilled Cheese with Pickles & salads with local produce we'll source at the Union Square Greenmarket. One brand new menu item for Birdbath is "Short Order Eggs" made with brown eggs delivered directly to us from the Finger Lakes.

We'll open at 8am Wednesday. We'll be open seven days. We're excited to become part of Greenacre Park. We're also very excited to see City Bakery and Birdbath customers who live or work in that neighborhood, who have asked us forever........."when are you coming uptown?" 


  1. Devouring my Springtime Falafel sandwich now! Fantastic! So excited to have you in the neighborhood!

  2. Are you coming back this year (2013)? We eagerly await your return!
